The NZ Grassland Association, formed in 1931, is one of the largest science societies in NZ, with over 800 members. We provide a forum for grassland farming, and promote the value of research and its application. Our membership includes a wide range of scientists, consultants, agribusiness and farmers – following our vision of “fuelled by science and tempered by experience.”
Join the NZGA for access to a forum of leading members of the New Zealand pastoral industry, access to independent, impartial, credible research results, as well as valuable networking opportunities.
Journal of New Zealand Grasslands
Photo @kathylastword
Each year we hold a national conference, alternating between the North and South Island locations, covering a wide range of topics. The conference is well known for its friendly atmosphere, its ready access to current grassland science and best farm practice, and typically attracts 250 to 500 attendees.
The NZGA publishes The Journal of New Zealand Grasslands. This peer revewed publication covers all aspects of pastoral research including agronomy, soils, animals, agricultural extension and farm systems research.
In addition, the NZGA organises occasional symposia on topics of interest to both researchers and farmers that range from Advances in Plant Breeding, Dryland Legumes, Ryegrass Endophyte, to Nutrition and Management of Deer on Grazing Systems and Pasture Persistence.
NZGA Rules
The rules of the Association and past financial documents can be downloaded here.
LIFE Members
JFL Charlton, GW Sheath, DR Woodfield, RJ Lucas, TJ Fraser, M Yorke, J Morton, E Thom, JP Garden, J Caradus
LEVY Oration
In 2012 the Executive introduced to the conference programme the Levy Oration in honour of an early pioneer of grassland science Sir Bruce Levy. This oration allows an invited speaker time to speak on the topic of their choosing.
Video presentations of the Orations since 2015 can be found here. Full papers are in the relevant Journal/Proceedings.
2012 JP Garden - Ideas, Innovation and Resilience
2013 Dr RJM Hay - Challenges for the pastoral sector
2014 J Morton - Agricultural Science and Extension
2015 Professor C Holmes
2016 Richard Green
2017 Professor Stephen Goldson
2018 Professor Cory Matthew
2019 Dr Liz Wedderburn
2022 Dr Petr Fennessey
2023 Bob Cottrell
2024 Dr Robyn Dynes