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NZ Grassland Association Inc

Welcome to our new look

22 August 2011

Yes it's a new site - take 5 minutes to have a look around and see what has changed. Be patient as we work out a few kinks. Members no longer need to login but can update their details from the website.

  • Our focus is still communication as highlighted in our vision - 'fuelled by science, tempered by experience'.
  • Our aim for the website is as a resource for farmers, agribusiness, students and researchers for pastoral research and information.

"If you can't explain what you're doing and why you're doing it to any intelligent layman, that really means that you don't understand it yourself."
Allan Bromley, former President of the American Physical Society

"In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs."
Sir Francis Darwin

Tea break at Canterbury NZGA field day



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Online access to 75 years of technical papers published by the Association

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