Date: Wednesday 26th October 2022 8.45am to 4.00pm
Venue: Stewart 1, Stewart Lecture Theatre, Lincoln University, Lincoln
The topic “Can New Zealand farmers mitigate climate change?” has been chosen because the He Waka Eke Noa consultation exercise appears to reveal that New Zealand farmers want to control their own destiny with a farm-based levy option for pricing agricultural GHG emissions and not by a processor-level levy. In this context, what can producers do individually to mitigate their GHG emissions and respond to the climate change challenge?
Speakers: Hon James Shaw, Minister for Climate Change; Dr Rod Carr, Climate Change Commission; Kelly Forster, He Waka Eke Noa; Prof Bronwyn Hayward, Prof Euan Mason and Dr John Reid from the University of Canterbury; Dr Geoff Ross, Lake Hawea Station, Michelle Sands, Horticulture New Zealand; Prof Ken Hughey, Prof Keith Cameron, Prof Hong Di and Hon Prof Keith Woodford from Lincoln University and Chairing the panel at the end of the day, Dr Robyn Dynes from AgResearch.
Registration is $130 for NZGA members
We will live stream the event - registration to live stream $90
Please register through our AgScience website here or go to
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