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NZ Grassland Association Inc

New Zealand Grassland Trust


"To encourage, promote and foster the advancemenof grassland farming in New Zealand"

The Trust was inaugurated in 1964 as the Grassland Memorial Trust, to commemorate the efforts of exceptional grassland pioneers, such as A.H. Cockayne, Sir George Stapledon, Sir Bruce Levy, researchers Dr Peter Sears, Lionel Corkill, Dr C.P. McMeekan and Dr Ray Brougham, and farming leader Dr R.A. Candy, each of whom contributed significantly to build New Zealand’s pastoral farming industry. It became the NZ Grassland Trust in 2001.

Copy of Trust Deed

NZGT Trustees  Jacqueline Rowarth (Chair); Derek Woodfield (Deputy); John Caradus; Anders Crofoot; Pat Garden; Alan Stewart; David Stevens; Warren King; Laurie Copland

History of the NZ Grassland Association   To celebrate 90 years of NZGA (formed in 1931) a past member of the Association and Executive, Deric Charlton, has written on the history and people of NZGA and NZGT. Deric gleaned much of it from the tributes to people in the NZGA Proceedings written by others. The rest was from his own documents and/or memory, as Deric knew many of the people involved over the years. Many were contacted personally as Deric updated the history. (The opinions and commentary expressed here are those of Deric Charlton and not necessarily the views and opinions of either NZGA or NZGT).

Chapter 1 NZGA Introduction
Chapter 2 NZGA Presidents
Chapter 3 NZGA Life Members
Chapter 4 Researchers
Chapter 5 Academics
Chapter 6 Ray Brougham Trophy winners
Chapter 7 Other NZGT Award winners
Chapter 8 The Advisers
Chapter 9 Agribusinesss sector
Chapter 10 Administrators
Chapter 11 The Farmers
Chapter 12 NZGA Events over the Years
Chapter 13 History of the NZ Grassland Trust
Chapter 14 Conference Presentations 

Full criteria for these awards are available here

David Scott Award   The David Scott Award will be available annually to a person who is a mid-career and developing scientist /agribusiness specialist/ innovator associated with the pastoral farming industries who seeks to undertake travel for conference attendance or further (postgraduate) study with a focus on hill country or high-country research. This Award, to the value of $2000 per annum, is from an endowment in memory of Dr David Scott for the benefit of members of the NZGA.. Applications close on 1 August each year. Download an Application form here or email

Ray Brougham Trophy   The Trust awards the Ray Brougham Trophy to a person associated with the pastoral farming industries who has made an outstanding national contribution over their working career. This was instituted in memory of the Dr Ray Brougham, Director of DSIR Grasslands 1970 – 1985. The Brougham family donated a bronze statue of a seed sower to the Trust, which is presented annually. Nominations (include a brief bio) are to be sent to Bruce Belgrave by 1st of March each year. 

Past recipients: Video presentations are available here

2024 Richard Green

2023 Dr Stephen Goldson, AgResearch

2022 Dr David Chapman, Dairy NZ

2021 Dr Alison Popay, AgResearch (citation)

2020 Gerald Rys, MPI

2019 Dr Gavin Sheath  

2018 Tony Rhodes, PGG Wrightson (consultant)

2017 Dr Ants Roberts, Ravensdown

2016 Prof Derrick Moot, Lincoln University Video presentation D Moot Presentation slides

2015 Dr Alec Mackay, AgResearch

2014 Dr Stewart Ledgard, Agresearch, Ruakura Download Stewarts presentation

2013 Dr Syd Easton, Emeritus Scientist at AgResearch

2012 Tom Fraser, AgResearch Download Toms presentation

Download Dave Clarks presentation

Download Marc Ulyatts presentation

Download Colin Holmes presentation

For a list of past recipients

NZGT Regional Award   This award, introduced in 1997, to the successful person, for contribution in the region of the annual NZGA Conference. It recognises exceptional effort above and beyond the normal career contribution that supports the regional pastoral agricultural industry, be it technology development or an aspect of farming itself.

2023 Lee Matheson,arm consultant, Rotorua

2022 Ivan Lines, farm consultant, Southland

2019 Maurice Gray, Napier

2018 Peter Anderson, vet, Marlborough

2017 Rob Gollan, farm consultant Whanganui

2016 Nicky Hyslop, farm consultant, Timaru

2015 Chris Garland, Baker and Associates, extension and consultancy services in the Southern NI region. 

2014 Aaron Meikle, Beef+Lamb NZ, extension services to farmers and rural Communities in the Central SI region.

2013 Martin Hawke, servicing the field research needs of the BOP region.

2012 Dr David Stevens, AgResearch, for his 30 year contribution to the sheep and deer research and extension. 

Farming Awards

Each year the Trust makes two awards, for excellence in grassland farming, to enterprises within the Annual Conference region. Nominees are usually the farm-owning partners, but can be managers or sharemilkers.

Levy Student Scholarship

The NZGT Levy Student Scholarship commemorates the lifetime efforts of agricultural science pioneer, Sir E. Bruce Levy, in developing and communicating grassland science at the old Plant Research Bureau, later DSIR's Grasslands Division, and currently part of AgResearch in Palmerston North. This an annual scholarship for two students each from Massey and Lincoln University, embarking on the second year of a Bachelor of Agriculture or Applied Science Degree in the agricultural area. Each scholarship is for $3000 over one year. Applications from second year students are invited each year.

To apply, download and fill out an application form - LEVY Application. Applications to be submitted electronically to by March 30th each year

Further Information

For further information about the New Zealand Grassland Trust please email the Secretary/Treasurer, Bruce Belgrave.


Online publicatioNs database

Online access to 75 years of technical papers published by the Association

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