Three perennial ryegrass cultivars (L&urn perennr L.), Grasslands ‘Ruanui’, Grasslands ‘Nui’ and Yates ‘Ellett’ were sown in two experiments on different peat soils at Moanatuatua. Both experiments were alternately mown and grazed with Friesian cattle after an establishment period on each soil. Ruanui swards, grown with white clover (Trfolium repens L.) were the least productive one both a partially-developed and a well-developed peat. “Ellett’ and ‘Nui’ swards produced 28% and 20% more total DM than ‘Ruanui’ on a well developed peat and 16% and 5%, respectively, on a partially-developed peat, over a 21 cut period from September 1976-September 1979. Pasture growth rates were generally lower on the partially-developed peat and cultivar differences were minimized in this experiment. Peak sward growth rates occurred in December-January on both peat soils. Whereas all three ryegrass cultivar swards reached a peak growth rate of approximately 70 kg DM/ha/day on the partially-developed peat, and Ruanui and Nui reached similar levels on the developed peat, Ellett swards attained higher growth rates (90 kg DM/ha/day) on the more fertile peat. Sward growth rates of Ellett and Nui pastures were consistently higher than those of Ruanui in the autumn. Ellett pastures contained more ryegrass and less white clover than Ruanui swards with Nui being intermediate in grass and clover composition. The value of Ellett and Nui on fertile, organic soils in the Waikato is emphasised.
Because of phenotypic differences, monocultures of Nui have tillers that are on average 43% larger but 20% less dense than monocultures of Ruanui. Nui tillers had larger leaves for most of the year and also more leaves per tiller during spring when Nui leaf appearance rates tended to be higher. Nui growth rates were higher in spring when temperature and nutritional limitations were removed. Nui yielded 54% more than Ruanui annually under high nitrogen nutrition. High nitrogen nutrition increased tiller density and death, tiller and leaf appearance rates, and leaf size and growth rate during the warmer months. Intermittent applications of nitrogen increased temporarily tiller and leaf appearance rates in apparent compensation for preceding lower rates. High nutrition tillers were more severely defoliated and had fewer leaves at the beginning of regrowths.
A survey was made on 31 dairy farms of the botanical and chemical composition of pasture being ensiled and of the chemical composition of the resultant silages. Despite the wide range in grass (37-100s) and legume (O-SO%) components, drymatter content (20-56v/o), soluble carbohydrate (4-19s) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (43-69%) contents, NDF was the only component significantly correlated with dry matter digestibility (range 53-76%) (r = -0.77; P > 0.01). Wilting time ranged from 2-47 hours except in seven of the silages which were not wilted. Four silages were not covered with polythene but were similar in chemical composition to other silages when sampled in summer. Phosphorus (P) (.lS-.42% DM) and nitrogen (N) (l.O-2.2% DM) in silage were below published requirements for cows in mid lactation in more than 75% of the silages. It is suggested that either or both of these minerals may limit milk production from cows fed a predominantly silage ration during summer. Ensiling of less-mature pasture is advocated to ensure a more digestible feed which is likely to contain adequate levels of P and N.
Despite the impression that Taranaki is predominantly a dairy farming area, only 37% of the total pasture and crop lands, and 59% of the total stock units are in dairying. In the last 10 years dairy production has increased significantly, but with many farmers now approaching 100% pasture utilisation future increases must come from increased pasture growth which has been static for the past 15 years. Sheep and beef production is centred mainly in the hard eastern hill country. Though it offers the greatest potential for increased agricultural production in Taranaki, the area is not productive enough at current farm product and phosphate prices to prevent reversion to scrub. Currently the land is in the development phase, but with adequate topdressing and controlled grazing, the long term economic viability of the hill country should improve. Horticulture is expanding rapidly along the suitable western coastal strip of Taranaki, and co-operation with the highly efficient dairy industry would seem logical. While future propcrity appears to lie with the petro-chemical industry, these are finite, whereas the soils and climate are permanent ensuring the long term future of agriculture in Taranaki.
The emergence, productivity and competitive effects that occur in the early growth period between ‘Grasslands Nui’ ryegrass, ‘Grassland Matua’ prairie grass and ‘Grassland Apanui’ cocksfoot when grown as pure swards and in binary mixtures are examined. The results indicate that the species compete for the same environmental resources and prairie grass suppresses the growth of the other two species while ryegrass has a similar effect on cocksfoot. Prairie grass and mixtures containing a major proportion of prairie grass outyield all other sward types and the yields of mixtures are seen to be between the monoculture yields of the component species over the period of study. Practical implications of these results are considered.
The Ascent of Man T.V. Series traced the evolution of civilisation and clearly established that a necessary ingredient in the process was a degree of specialisation to improve productivity and to permit a degree of urbanisation. This process has continued to the present day, aided by major technological advances in transportation, communications and the expansion of trade.
During the last 10 to 15 years, the use of fertiliser N at low rates on New Zealand dairy farms has become more popular. There are many ways in which fertiliser N can be used to increase pasture and milkfat production. Five of those options are analysed, viz. I. High rates of N. 2. Bridging a spring feed deficit. 3. Increasing stocking rate. 4. Earlier calving. 5. More cow condition. Research work is finding the best times and rates of application of N. The extra pasture produced must then be utilised to maximise milkfat responses. Trials have shown that the use of high rates of fertiliser N ( > 80 kg N/ha) is unlikely to be profitable on N.Z. dairy farms. N used to enable more cows to be wintered, and then milked in early spring, appears to be very profitable, due to better utilisation of later spring-autumn pasture growth. The other three options are also profitable, but the increase in total farm milkfat production is only 3 to 4%. The options need to be tested more thoroughly with models and grazing experiments.
Pasture infested with Californian thistle (Cirsium arvense) was treated in a large scale paddock trial for thistle control using MCPA, MCPB and mechanical topping. and the effect on cattle production measured. All treatments gave significant control of Californian thistle with little difference between MCPB and MCPA but MCPA depressed clover and cattle liveweight gains significantly. Topping while successful in controlling Californian thistle on this trial may not be as effective under a dairy rotation.
In each of two years, eight 6.48 ha farmlets were used to assess effects of urea applications on dairy production. In the first year, 86 kg N/ha were applied in 2-3 dressings during May-August. Effects on annual milkfat and pasture production were not significant. In the second year 3-4 applications totalling 137 kg N/ha in April to September significantly increased annual milkfat and pasture production. Response in milkfat production per hectare to urea application averaged 0.22 (range - 0.16 to 0.45) and 0.25 (range - 0.1 I to 0.39) kgfat/ kgN in the first and second years respectively. These responses were not economic at present-day prices.
The objective in organising this day was to show the delegates intensive dairying in Taranaki, its potential and some of the limiting factors.
Treatment of seed of four ryegrass cultivars (Lolium spp.) with captan or thiram before sowing increased herbage yields from field plots 3 months after sowing by 33% (Ruanui), 51% (Manawa), 51% (Paroa) and 104% (Moata). Herbage yields and numbers of established plants were closely correlated. A second trial measured yield of Ruanui during 12 months following sowing. Captan seed treatment increased dry matter by 51% at conventional seeding rates (17.5 kg/ ha). Dry matter from plots sown with captan treated seed at 2.2 kg/ha did not differ from that from plots sown with untreated seed at 17.5 kg/ ha. Routine treatment of ryegrass seed to improve seedling establishment is strongly recommended.
The patterns of herbage accumulation and the tiller dynamics of a “Grasslands Nui” perennial ryegrass dominant pasture were compared under two grazing intensity treatments in late spring. Rank stemmy herbage developed with lax grazing whereas dense leafy pasture developed with close grazing. Dead herbage and uneaten stems in rank pastures shaded photosynthetic tissue. Leafy swards had a higher herbage accumulation rate and a higher tiller density than stemmy swards. Methods of achieving leafy pasture on farms by combinations of hard grazing, forage conservation and mechanical topping are discussed briefly.
Swards of ‘Grasslands’ Nui ryegrass, Roa tall fescue and Maru phalaris were grared according to feed budgets to consume the estimated annual requirement of 15, 20 and 25 breeding ewes ha-r. The effects of these 9 grazing systems on seasonal changes of, and interrelationships between standing herbage mass (V), achieved herbage consumption(C) and net herbage accumulation rate(G) are examined. The relationship of G to V varied between seasons, but for a full year G decreased by 3 kg DM ha-r day-r for each 1000 kg DM ha-r Increase of V. Estimated consumption requirements were exceeded at 15 ewes ha-r, were about adequate at 20ewes ha-r, but were deficient at 25 ewes ha-r. 4t 25 ewes ha-r ryegrass provided 28% more consumed herbage than phalaris. Indications are that at stocking rates at which G is near maximum and differences between grass species important, intake, and hence per animal performance, may be restricted.
Our farm at Tarata illustrates most of the problems and short-comings of Taranaki Hill Country. I enjoy farming the hills and I am optimistic that, with the help of researchers, advisers and others we can rise to meet the challenges of the future. If we don’t go forward we will go back. For instance; an enterprising and enthusiastic entrepreneur from Auckland is planting much of two recently acquired farms near us into pine trees. Unless we can meet the challenge the way is open for much more land to be planted in trees. We face a challenge too from developments on the better, traditional fattening country. Dairying and horticulture are taking much of this land out from fattening store stock produced in the hills and we will have to look to fattening much more of our stock at home. This can’t be done on browntop - Danthonia pastures. The following is a brief summary of our farm enterprise, intended to illustrate some of the needs of hill country in general as I see them.
For 6 weeks in late pregnancy groups of Coopworth ewes (53-55 kg) were grazed on a range of pasture allowances in each of 2 years (1978: 5 allowances, ranging from I .O to 7.0 kg DM/ewe/day; 1979: 6 allowances, ranging from 0.7 to 4.0 kg DM/ewe/day) on ryegrass-white clover pasture of2 contrasting pre-grazing herbage masses (I 145 and 2895 kg DM/ha in 1978; I100 and 2700 kg DM/ha in influenced by feeding level. After lambing, ewes grazed a common pasture allowance. There were no consistent carry-over effects of late pregnancy feeding of kg in 1978, and 55-70 kgin 1979. Those on the pasture with higher mass were 1-5 kg heavier at each allowance than those on the lower mass. In spite of the large differences in ewe body weight just prior to lambing there were no effects on ewe or lamb mortality, pregnancy toxaemia or bearings. Birth weights were not consistently influenced by feeding level. After lambing, ewes grazed a common pasture allowance. There were no consistent carry-over effects of late pregnancy feeding on milk production or lamb weaning weights. Fleece weights differed between extreme treatments by 0.3-0.5 kg. After lambing, ewes compensated in terms of live weight, These results demonstrate the great buffering capacity of 52-55 kgewes (6 weeks prepartum) under the conditions of these trials. The management implications are that under such circumstances strict rationing of pasture can continue right up until lambing, conserving pasture insitu for the much more important period immediately post-lambing.
When your farm of 200 ha with poor contour is surrounded by properties 600 ha and more, the ideal solution would be to acquire more hectares and carry on store farming. The “more hectares" are not readily available, so plan one is scrapped and you again consider what you can do with your 200 hectares. It has rundown farm buildings, a tiny woolshed, an ancient water supply and is divided into 25 reasonably grassed, set-stocked paddocks of varying sizes. Selling wool, store lambs, cast for age ewes and running beef weaners was not paying for much extra labour, let alone major capital improvements, such as more fencing, fertilizer, and a much bigger woolshed. More farm generated finance was needed to make progress, so out went the beef cows, the rough ewes, the set stocking and the pretty rams. In came the bulls, easy care higher fertility rams, electric fencing, subdivision, more fertilizer and the fatten everything policy. And so far it seems to be working.
I believe this conference is about New Zealand’s greatest asset. It concerns the growing of grass in a “grassland” country. I believe too, that as farmers, we have a tremendous responsibility to use this asset to the best of our ability. I am fortunate to be farming in South Taranaki on the Waimate Plains. This area was originally fern covered which made development easier, and has been established for dairying for about 100 years. The soil type is free draining Egmont black loam. Our rainfall varies from 30-50” a year. I like to think myself as a true grassland farmer concentrating on these five points: (1) Growing the maximum amount of pasture. (2) Managing a dairy herd to eat all the pasture I grow. (3) Maintaining a high quality herd. (4) Obtaining the milk they produce in a simple efficient manner. (5) Having good staff relationships. During the development of this farm I have put these points into practice. A 48ha dairy unit adjacent to my home property was purchased in 1970. At that time it was producing 9000 kg of butterfat. In my first season it produced 14,000 kg from 125 cows and last year it produced 28,180 kg from 160 cows, (Figure 1) with 35 heifers grazed off from May to May.
In a four year grazing trial with dairy cows the application of 5000 kg lime/ ha (applied in two applications of 2500 kg/ha in winter of the first two years) significantly increased annual pasture production in two of the four years and dairy production in one year. In three of the four years lime significantly increased pasture growth over summer/autumn with concurrent increases in milk production. In the last year of the trial lime had little effect on pasture growth but a relatively large increase in milkfat production resulted. A higher incidence of grass staggers was recorded on the limed farmlets in spring for each of the four years. In the second spring immediately following the second application of lime significant depressions in both pasture and plasma magnesium levels were recorded. By the third spring differences in plasma magnesium levels were negligible but small depressions in herbage magnesium resulting from lime continued to the end of the trial. Lime significantly raised soil pH, Ca and Mg levels but had no effect on either soil K or P. As pH levels of the unlimed paddocks were low (5.2-5.4) in each autumn and soil moisture levels were increased by liming, these factors may suggest possible causes for the seasonality of the pasture response to lime
Pasture was harvested monthly from sheeptrack and slope on a hillside set-stocked with sheep. The elements determined and the ranges of the monthly site averages for the macroelements (%DM) are: organic N(2.0-5.0), Ca(0.2-0.7), Mg(0.1-0.24), P(0.2- 0.4). Na(0.07-0.22). K(1.2-3.0), Cl(0.6-1.2), Si(0.5-1.5), and for trace elements (mg kg-‘) Fe(400-3000), Mn( 110-430), Zn(25-70) and Cu(.5-10). The concentrations of all elements except Cl and Cu showed marked seasonal trends and varied up to twofold at a site. The Ca, Mg, P and Na requirements of grazing sheep for maintenance, pregnancy, lactation and growth were obtained from previous metabolism studies. For example, the macroelement requirements of sheep for lactation are two to four times above that for maintenance. For the hill country pasture studied, we,conclude that the sheep’s requirements for P(1.3-5.4g per day) was more than adequately met, those for Ca (1.5-6g per day) and Mg(0.9-2.9g per day) were just met during June and July when the concentrations of Ca(0.2%) and Mg(0.11%) were at their lowest. The Na requirement (0.75-2.18 per day) was not met during June and July when the pasture Na concentration was 0.07%.
4 N balance representative of intensive dairyfarming is presented, based on a dynamic model integrating information on N flows for this system. Losses of about 50% of N ingested by animals lead to a negative N balance with predicted annual losses of 40 kg N/ha. Addition of 100 kg fertiliser N is predicted to reduce the N deficit by 13 kg/ ha, with increased leaching and lower clover fixation reducing the effectiveness of applied N. Increasing the level of utilisation from 70 to 75% of herbage produced, by increasing stocking rate, is predicted to increase annual losses to about 60 kg/ ha. Additional losses from excreta and reduced cycling of dead plant material contribute to the increased deficit. The implication of losses of this order to farm productivity are discussed.
The effect of N fertiliser on pasture yields and species composition, and spring stock carrying capacity was measured undergrazing at Ballantrae, the Grasslands Division hill country area. N fertiliser was applied as urea in early spring at rates up to 100 kg N/ha. Paddocks were set stocked with sheep with additional sheep being added to N fertilised paddocks to maintain similar herbage availabilities. N fertiliser increased pasture growth by an average of 7 kg DM/ kg N applied. Stock carrying capacities over spring ranged from 18 sheep/ ha without N, to 26 sheep/ ha with 100 kg N/ha. The major species composition effects of N was a reduction in clover yields and clover nitrogen fixation rates, in the spring, summer and autumn after the spring application. Clover growth and N fixation decreased most over summer when clover yields and nitrogen fixation were 41% and 52% lower respectively on hill slopes, at the highest rate of N fertiliser. Pasture yields were lower in autumn on pastures previously N fertilised.
Pasture and animal production from farmlets rotationally grazed with sheep(RGS), set stocked with sheep (SSS) and rotationally grazed with cattle (RGC) were compared for 5 years. Herbage accumulation rate, herbage mass, tiller and stolen growth and defoliation and sheep diet selection were measured. RGC increased perennial ryegrass (L&urn perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) content. RGS herbage mass was 1000 kg DM/ ha greater than SSS by January. Despite differences in ewe liveweight and herbage mass profiles, grazing management had no effect on total wool production. In the first two years SSS had higher weaning weight per ha than RGS. Under high grazing pressure sheep selected a diet ranging from 85% dry matter digestibility in December to 56% in June. Total leaf growth was similar for RGS and SSS pastures because greater leaf extension rates for RGS were compensated for by higher tiller numbers in SSS swards. The total leaf length grazed was the same for RGS and SSS pastures because the greater leaf length grazed per tiller for RGS was offset by more frequent grazing of more numerous tillers in SSS. Rotational grazing may allow greater conservation in spring and provide extra feed at very high grazing pressures, but at commercial grazing pressures pasture rationing is unlikely to give greater animal production
Nearly sixty years ago a committee reported to the Government on the deterioration of Crown Lands. It commented on management techniques for difficult hill country, the capital and maintenance costs involved in development and problems related to access. It suggested “The improving of communication in these backblocks would assist in making the social side of the life more attractive, and induce more married men with families to take land; at present the lack of roads and the difficulty in obtaining adequate educational facilities, make residence on this class of land hard for the womanfolk.“
With the General Election at the end of the month I thought it timely to look at the record of the present Government and the possible alternatives as far as the rural community and the important rural social issues are concerned.
A white clover variety selected for New Zealand moist hill country was compared with three other white clover varieties in hill country at Ballantrae. Small plots of the hill country selection, Grasslands Huia, Grasslands Pitau, and the resident Ballantrae white clover were planted into paddocks receiving high or low superphosphate applications and three different managements - rotational grazing by cattle, rotational grazing by sheep, or set-stocked sheep for most of the year. Numbers of white clover stolons, white clover dry matter (DM) and total DM production, and proportion of white clover in cut herbage were determined twice yearly for three years. After one year of grazing the hill country selection consistently had approximately double the stolon numbers of Huia, a significantly higher proportion of clover in the herbage than Huia and clover DM yields 25-63% higher than Huia. These differences were not affected significantly by either management or soil fertility. Pitau and the local Ballantrae white clover were at no time more productive than Huia and frequently were poorer, although stolen numbers of the Ballantrae clover were usually higher during the trial and almost matched the selected variety after three years. The hill country selection is being multiplied for pre-release testing.
Nitrogen response trials conducted in Taranaki on dairy pastures over a 10 year period are summarised. At both high and low altitudes responses were variable in winter but very consistent in spring(September and October) with the higher altitude pastures being more responsive. Nitrogen applied in autumn(early April) at low altitudes gave consistent responses over a three year period at one site despite markedly different summer climatic conditions between years. Further investigations at a range of altitudes and climates throughout Taranaki indicated extreme variability, and the only consistent and worthwhile responses ( > I I kg DM/ kg N) were obtained at the lower altitude sites. The efficiency of response to nitrogen (kg DM/ kg N) applied in autumn and winter declined little with increasing rates from 25 to 100 kg N/ ha and responses to higher rates occurred over a longer period. The occurrence of grass grub affected the relative responsiveness of pastures to nitrogen but the yield increments to nitrogen were similar on pastures of low and high grass grub numbers.
More than twenty papers have been delivered at this 1981 New Zealand Grassland Association meeting and almost all have dealt with two aspects of farming - how to grow more feed for livestock and how to convert this feed into production. All of the participants and speakers here must at some stage, whether in the research centre or in the field, have wondered how much of this information was going to hit where it counted. Would it end up being preached to the converted again, played with by the farmer ‘guinea pigs’, scoffed at by many as more impractical academic garbage? Just how much impact on farming production and development will your findings and recommendations have? Could it be, like a seagull on top of a lighthouse, your earnest calls will be largely drowned out by the forces of the elements? ‘fhere is no shortage of cynics in our community, and plenty under the label of farmers:But the mere fact of having a discussion on socio-economic effects on hill country production and development confirms growing awareness over the past few years that other factors than farming technology may be inhibiting growth on these farms.
Soil, pasture and animal responses to 2 levels of superphosphate were measured within a farmlet trial, at Ballantrae hill country research area, near Woodville, during 1975-80. Soil and pasture measurements were also made for 3 years before the trial started. Pastures, which were dominated by low-fertility-tolerant grasses (LFTC;), moss and flatweeds, were oversown with 4 legumes before the trial started. Soil Olsen P level was 5 under untopdressed pasture in 1973, and 9 in 1975 after application of 500 kg/ ha superphosphate. Superphosphate rates were 120 (on low fertiliser areas q LF) and 640 (on high fertiliser areas = HF) kg/ ha/ yr average during 1975/80. Annual pasture production (adjusted for variable summer rainfall) was 7.1 t DM/ ha from untopdressed pasture and 8.1 t following 500 kg superphosphate/ ha in 1973-74. LF production rose to 8.5, and HF to 12.0, in 1980. Legume contribution rose from 5% in untopdressed pasture to 18% and 23% in LF and HF respectively in 1975/76. By 1979/80 legume contribution had steadily declined to 10% on both treatments, probably due to a measured increase in soil N availability and increased competitiveness of associated grasses. Ryegrass content rose at both fertiliser levels, while LFTG content fell; these trends were greatest under HF. Winter stocking rate was increased from 6 to 10.9 and 14.9 su/ha on LF and HF-respectively. Per animal performance did not decrease. A range of techniques which could increase efficiency of superphosphate use in hill country is discussed. These techniques include: selective application to responsive pastures; spring application; grazing management to encourage legume growth.
In hill country, imbalance in feed supply and demand, and animal preference for favoured pastured types and localities result in variable utilization of pasture by grazing animals. The effects of grazing duration (3,6,9, 12, 15 days), and easy/ steep land area ratio, on utilization patterns of pasture grazed by sheep were assessed in two experiments (late summer, mid-winter) at Whatawhata Hill Country Research Station. Where feed allowance was equal and post-grazing residuals of ( 1.0 t DM/ha were achieved, greater pasture utilization (DM per ewe grazing day) occurred with longer duration/ lower stock density combinations. Consequently, for these combinations, low pasture mass was achieved relatively earlier and final utilization was more uniform. In both experiments there was a preference by stock to graze pasture on easy rather than steep land. This preference was greater during early stages of the grazing period, with longer grazing durations, and when the paddock was dominantly steep. The implications of the results to farming practice are discussed.
It will be recalled that the East Cape Project incorporating Poverty Bay/East Coast areas was titled “Wise Land Use and Community Development”, and that the main objectives of the project were social ones; stabilizing communities by providing employment, and building up farmer confidence through stabilization of the soils by afforestation.
Measurements of pasture and animal production were made over 3 years on selfcontained dairy farmlets. The application of 350 to 440 kg N per ha annually resulted in the growth of an additional 2,800 to 3,600 kg DM/ ha and the response rate varied between 7.4 to 10.5 kg extra DM grown per kg N applied. Milkfat production increased by an average of 97 kg per ha annually as a result of nitrogen application at higher stocking rates, but only by 59kg per ha at lower stocking rates. At present costs and prices the use of urea as in the present trial would be uneconomical.
New Zealand is an energy-rich country. DSIR research and exploration are described in defining our national resources of hydro-electricity, coal, geothermal energy and petroleum (natural gas and oil), all of which are know known to be considerably larger than was thought only a few decades ago. In Taranaki there is very limited hydro-electrical potential; only modest quantities of coal in difficult locations and no geothermal potential despite the presence of the dormant volcano Mt Egmont. However, the province does contain New Zealand’s best production and future prospects for natural gas and oil. DSIR investigations into alternative developments for synthetic liquid fuels is also discussed.
In both summer and winter, measurements were made of the rate of accumulation of dung by grazing sheep on both “easy”and “steep” land. The effect of the proportion of “easy” land (0, 25, 50, 75 or 100%) was studied in combination with grazing duration (3,6,9, 12 or 15 days) using a common pasture allowance in each situation. The rate of accumulation of dung was faster on “easy” than “steep”land, especially in summer. The rate of build-up in total dung tended to fall off during grazing and in this way largely reflected the pattern of pasture utilisation. In both seasons total dung accumulation tended to decline as the length of the grazing period increased. Correction for differences in pasture utilisation did not modify the trend and no other explanation can be offered at this time. In summer the most dung was collected from “easy” slopes when these occupied only 25% of the paddock. This effect did not occur in winter. Most dung was dropped on steep areas when they comprised the total paddock. Other less extreme variations in paddock topography had no obvious effect. Compared with other treatments the extra P provided in the highest total amount of dung on steep slopes was estimated to be about 2-3 kg ha/year. In order to achieve this, paddocks should, where possible, be fenced into topographically uniform areas either all “easy” or all “steep”.
Variation in levels of annual dry matter production is discussed for the North Island. On average most sites on flatland farms are capable of producing at least 9000 kg DM ha-r under fortnightly and 11000 kg DM ha-r under monthly cutting, These yields arc slightly lower than yields recorded on experimental farms. Variation in seasonal patterns of pasture production is compared between districts. The major geographical effect on pasture growth is related to climate and the water holding capacity of the soil. Within district variation is considered in detail for Taranaki (Waimate West and Stratford). Pasture growth in spring is strongly correlated with daily maximum air temperature (r2 = 0.73***) and accumulated heat units ( > 6°C) for lOcm soil temperature (r2 = 0.91 ***). Pasture growth rates were at least 25% higher in spring with a cutting interval of four weeks than with two weeks. The use of rate of growth data from standardized MAF trials for feed budgeting purposes is discussed.
Weed control in hill country requires a combination of biological control, management and herbicides. Gorse (Ulex europaeus) and nodding thistle (Carduus nutans) two important hill country weeds are used as examples. Management factors include, subdivision, pasture competition, stocking rate, grazing management and type of animal. Goats, goat-sheep mixtures, and sheep mob grazed have been found to restrict gorse to acceptable low densities and low heights. Herbicide options include blanket spraying and spot spraying. Clover damage and reductions in nitrogen fixation rates occur with MCPA, 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T. Key Words: gorse, nodding thistle, goats, grazing management, MCPA, 2.4-D, 2,4,5-T, nitrogen fixation.
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